Saturday, July 11, 2009


So, David has been in Japan for 3 full days now. Not including the day of travel and today. I will openly and fully admit to the difficulties I've had. I find myself feeling okay when I'm out of the house doing things. But, when I get back to the apartment, I'm reminded of its emptiness every time. Watching TV and movies by myself and not being able to rant to him about a busy day at work have been struggles. But, surprisingly (or not surprisingly) my greatest loss has been making dinner for 1 person. I didn't realize how much I love cooking for David. Let me be honest with a confession here, I used to get slightly frustrated when I would be working on making a really good meal-like filet mignon and loaded mashed potatoes-and all I would hear was the music from a video game he was playing in the living room. I used to clench my teeth and think: "Why isn't he in here helping me or setting the table or something?" But now! Oh, I'd die to hear that stupid Zelda music in the back round!
As hard as this trip has been and will be. I definitely feel like we needed this for our relationship to get better. Don't get me wrong, we have an AMAZING relationship. Just ask anyone of our friends. But, the funny thing is, I've learned something. I used to get frustrated when I felt David was taking me for granted over little things (like dinner). But, now I've realized I kind of took him for granted too.
Like he said to me over googletalk last night: "I love you so much. Like waaaay much. Like more than ever before."

Oh, and David is not completely lazy in the kitchen. He's pretty handy at cutting lettuce and setting the table now ;]

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